Ecosystems and Earth Systems

We live in an era of unprecedented global environmental change. As such, the EEES Ecosystems and Earth System sphere trains doctoral students to join biological, geophysical, and socioeconomic disciplines to reveal the interrelationships among land, water, air, and life at local to global scales.


Our research activities

Our science characterizes and quantifies fundamental processes and dynamics within and across these biogeochemical and biogeophysical domains, assessing their natural and anthropogenic drivers. At the same time, our work is guided by the imperative that humanity has to understand changes in ecosystem health and habitability to ensure the well-being of life on our planet. And so students working in this sphere leverage insights and tools from environmental economics, policy, and sustainability science to inform science-based responses to ecosystem and earth system challenges that arise from global environmental change.  

Explore research directions of individual faculty by visiting their profiles and web pages.