How to Apply

For graduate studies in EEES, we seek creative and committed scholars who share our interests in ecology, evolution, environments and society.

For Prospective Students

The EEES program experience emphasizes research but also includes a curriculum that is customized for individual students, a weekly colloquium where students gain skills in presenting research and giving critical input on the research of others, and a weekly journal club where students develop professional skills and gain exposure to relevant scientific literature. Students also have the opportunity to polish their mastery of foundational material, and gain skills as educators, by working closely with faculty as Teaching Assistants in undergraduate courses in their subject area.

Students enter our program with the  support and sponsorship of a faculty member who would be their major advisor. We encourage prospective applicants to browse the EEES faculty and communicate directly with one or more individual faculty members who share your interests and are prospective advisors. We typically review applications in the first half of December for the cohort of new Ph.D. students that will begin the following fall.

The Application Cycle

New students generally enter EEES by joining a specific lab with a pre-identified major advisor. We encourage prospective applicants to communicate directly with one or more individual faculty to explore shared interests and learn about current openings.

Typically, we conduct interviews in January or February, make offers in March, and most new students begin in summer or fall term. For full consideration on this cycle, applicants should have their applications submitted and completed by December 1.  Review will begin December 1.  Only completed applications will be reviewed.  Applications will not be accepted after January 15.  To submit an application, please go to Dartmouth Graduate Programs.


Our program is for students who are committed to full-time pursuit of a Ph.D. within an environment that is interactive and high energy. The EEES program represents a diverse intellectual community, with different scholars approaching research through a range of epistemological (knowledge producing) and methodological positions. Admission is based on appraisal by the EEES Faculty of the applicant's potential for generating important new knowledge by conducting original research within the areas of ecology and evolutionary biology or sustainability, ecosystems, and environment. We especially seek applicants whose natural interests intersect with both tracks. Evaluations of applicants include consideration of previous research experience, communication skills, base knowledge, capacity for intellectual collaboration, and match with the target laboratory and graduate program.

It is strongly recommended that applicants directly contact those faculty who they feel share their research interests. The easiest way is via email. Not all faculty accept graduate students each year, so communication is key. Students identify a potential advisor through correspondence and personal interaction during the application and interview process.

Offers of admission to the graduate program for entrance in the fall term are usually sent in March and with responses requested by 15 April.