Kudos 2020

Michael Butler Brown (EEES 2019) featured in NY Times for his work on skeletal dysplasia (dwarfism) in giraffes.

Ciara Kernan's recent paper in Biology Letters was highlighted in The Journal of Experimental Biology. Link.

Rebecca Finger-Higgens will begin a postdoc at the USGS Southwest Biological Science Center in Moab, UT.  The focus of the postdoc is on Climate Change, Community Ecology, and Colorado Plateau Ecosystems.

Hunter Snyder was awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (DDRIG) from the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Office of Polar Programs.

Fiona Jevon will begin a postdoc at Yale.

Melissa DeSiervo will begin a postdoc at the University of Wyoming.

Ashley Lang was awarded an NSF postdoctoral fellowship.

Christopher Callahan and Luke Fannin were both awarded 3-year NSF Graduate Research Fellowships. Chris's proposal was on the social costs of climate change and Luke's was on the effects of ingested silica particulates on enamel thickness in West African primates.