Ethics Training Sessions

Graduate students should enroll in a section led by a facilitator from their department. Please make sure you can attend all sessions listed with the facilitator. Up to one absence can be "made up" by doing an alternative assignment (facilitators can communicate what that assignment is) and must be completed or students risk not receiving graduate funding. 

Ethics Training Sessions

Chemistry Course Number: Chem 256

Comparative Literature Course Number: COLT 700

Computer Science Course Number : COSC 700

Digital Musics Course Number: MUS 700

Earth Sciences Course Number: EARS 201

EEES:  Course Number: EEES 133 and 135

Engineering Course Number: ENGG 700

MALS Course Number: MALS 700

Mathematics Course Number: MATH 700

MCB Course Number: MICR 700

Neuroscience Course Number: IND 700

Physics and Astronomy Course Number: PHYS 256/257

Psychological and Brain Sciences Course Number: PSYC 700

TDI Course Number: PH 700

Quantitative and Biomedical Sciences Course Number: QBS 700