MCB Research in Progress (RIP) Seminar - B.Leung, H.Yang
Auditorium H, DH
* Bernice Leung - Curiel lab, MICR/IMM * Huijuan Yang - Sundrud lab, CANB
* Bernice Leung - Curiel lab, MICR/IMM * Huijuan Yang - Sundrud lab, CANB
Rachel Berg-Murante "Wee1 and Cell Size Regulation by the Protein Kinase Cdr2"
* Angelique Cortez - Whitfield & Skopelja-Gardner labs, MSB and MICR/IMM * Irma Vlasac - Christension lab, CANB
Aparna Nurni Ravi - Thesis Seminar "Role of SDS-22/PP1 Phosphatase in Polarizing the Germplasm of C. elegans Embryo"
Asmaa O. Mohamed “Driving CARs down memory lane: uncovering the importance of CAR T cell memory and antigen-specific host T cells in durable responses against melanoma"
Chrystal M. Paulos, Ph.D. - Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University "Mechanisms Underlying the Effectiveness of Antitumor Th17 Cells in Adoptive Immunotherapy"
Shawn Musial "Sounding the Alarm: Local Cues that Drive Functional Specialization of Brain Resident Memory T Cells"
Justin Milner, Ph.D. - University of North Carolina "Molecular Programming of T Cell Activity in Infection and Cancer"
Alexander R. Gottlieb - Thesis Seminar "Leveraging Uncertainty to Understand the Causes and Consequences of Climate Change" Advisor: Justin Mankin