Career Development

There are many opportunities within the MCB graduate program and the broader Dartmouth community to explore the diverse career options available to Ph.D. scientists. The faculty are dedicated to helping students find the career path that best suits their passions and skills. MCB alumni have found fulfilling careers as professors in research universities and liberal arts colleges, as scientists in the biotech industry, as leaders and innovators in business, as patent lawyers and writers among other careers. The collaborative and supportive community of faculty, alumni and peers ensures that each student finds a satisfying post-graduation path.

General Career Help

  • The Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies provides multiple career seminars and panel discussions each month on topics ranging from writing a CV to transitioning from academia to industry.
  • An accessible MCB Alumni Network is available for advice on careers from traditional academic jobs to industry positions, consulting, and law. Log into the MCB Intranet to gain access to see a list and contact information for MCB alumni who have volunteered to be resources for current MCB students.
  • The Enterprise Experience Internship allows senior graduate students to get credit for real-world experience in a career of interest while they complete their Ph.D.

Academic Research Career Guidance

  • Public speaking: Students receive extensive presentation experiences through journal clubs, lab meetings and yearly Research in Progress seminars (RIPs). Most students will be sharing their research with colleagues at Dartmouth in a variety of retreats and with their wider research fields by presenting at national and international meetings such as Gordon Research Conferences and annual society meetings.
  • Writing: There are workshops available to graduate students for scientific writing and the qualifying exam process prepare students to write pre-doctoral fellowship applications.
  • Mentoring: The Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning (DCAL) has a 4 week series on learning to be a good mentor and how to manage people.
  • Networking: Dartmouth is home to a vibrant post-doc association (DCPDA) and academic community to provide mentoring on navigating academia.

Teaching: Training and Experience

  • Each MCB student will gain experience teaching Dartmouth undergraduates through one term of TAing. Students interested in teaching may apply for additional TA opportunities.
  • DCAL programs for graduate students include syllabus writing, teaching philosophy, mentoring, TA workshops, balancing life and academia, grant writing workshops, Teacher Training course (5-week series), Ethics Teacher training, Science Cafe community outreach program
  • The Dartmouth Rural STEM Educator Partnership (funded by a SEPA from NIH NIGMS) provides funding for graduate students in science at Dartmouth College to work with local middle school teachers to bring current STEM research into middle school classrooms.
  • Some MCB students may have the opportunity to help mentor undergraduates, including those who come to their labs through the Women In Science Program (WISP), Presidential Scholars program, and Honors Thesis program.


  • The Dartmouth Writing Program is a resource for students to become better writers
  • Attend career development seminars with editors of different major journals
  • All graduate students have access to writing support through the Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies

Business and Entrepreneurship

Biotechnology Industry

  • The Dartmouth Biotech Club is a graduate student organization that provides educational programs that allow members to explore the world of business and biotechnology
  • Local Biotech community: Many MCB graduate students pursuing careers in biotech will join the growing local biotech scene through internships and/or employment at companies such as Adimab, Mascoma, and Celdara Medical