Molecular and Systems Biology Thesis Seminar - S.Anand
Fuller Boardroom, DH
Sumyuktha Anand - Thesis Seminar "Targeting Cholinergic Signaling in Glioma"
Sumyuktha Anand - Thesis Seminar "Targeting Cholinergic Signaling in Glioma"
Ari Melnick, M.D. - Weill Cornell Medicine "Malignant Transformation and Therapeutic Targeting of the Immune System"
* Hanxu Lu - Christensen Lab, CANB * Elisa Carloni - Havrda Lab, MSB
* Ziwei She - Higgs Lab, BCB * Ghalia S. Siddiqui - Ahmed Lab, MSB
Albert Koong, MD, PhD, FACR, FASTRO - MD Anderson "Regulation of Ferroptosis by IRE1: Implications for Cancer Therapy"
Marc Hammarlund, Ph.D. - Yale University "Mitochondria, Metabolism, and Axon Degeneration" Host: Lauren Walker
John R. Desjarlais - Xencor "Bispecific Antibodies to Promote T Cell Signals 1 and 2 for the Treatment of Solid Tumors"
* Jake Holt - Nadell Lab, BIOL SCI * Nicole Desmet - Luikart Lab, MSB
* Sharanya Sarkar - Stanton Lab, MICRO/IMMUNO * Rendi Rogers - O'Toole Lab, MICRO/IMMUNO
Alia Sajani - Thesis Seminar “Heterogeneity and plasticity of the naïve CD4+ T cell compartment”
Carla Rothlin, Ph.D. - Yale University Regulation of the Magnitude and Duration of the Immune Response"
Laura Solt, Ph.D. - Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Tech "Mechanisms of REV-ERB-dependent heme signaling in Th17 cells"
Susan Baserga, M.D., Ph.D. - Yale University "The Nucleolus, MicroRNAs and the Human Brain"
Jessica Blackburn, Ph.D. - University of Kentucky "Zebrafish Models Uncover Targetable Mechanisms of T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Self-Renewal"
Chris van der Gast, Ph.D. - Northumbria University "Impacts of CFTR Modulators on the CF Gut Microbiome"
Link for more information:
Rebecca Valls - Thesis Seminar "Establishment of Bacteroides in the Gut and It's Role in the CF Gut-Lung Axis"
* Madeline Morrisson - Whitfield Lab, MSB * Rezvan Parvizi - Whitfield Lab, MSB
Haleema Sadia Malik - Thesis Seminar "Mechanistic Insights into Positive Regulation of the Pyrin Inflammasome in Macrophages"
* Zahra S. Siddiqui - Yeh Lab, MSB * James Winans - Nadell Lab, BIOL SCI
Jordan Fredriksen Isaacs - Thesis Seminar "Uncoupling CD39 from CD8+ T Cell Exhaustion" Advisor: Pam Rosato
Matthew Banghart - University California-San Diego "Descending Neural Pathways Underlie Placebo-like Analgesia in Mice"
Henrique Borges da Silva, Ph.D. - Mayo Clinic "Control of Lung CD4+ T Cell Responses by eATP Receptors"
Mayssa Molkalled, PH.D. - Washington University "Out of the Tank Approaches to Promote Spinal Cord Repair"
Rong Li, Ph.D. - George Washington University "BRCA1 and R-Loop Functions in Breast Epithelial Cells and T Lymphocytes"
* Tyler Boone - Huang Lab, MICRO/IMMUNO * Matthew Slein - Ackerman/Leib Labs, MICRO/IMMUNO
* Melissa Carmichael - O'Toole Lab, MICRO/IMMUNO * Alex Fu - O'Toole Lab, MICRO/IMMIUNO
Joseph Sanfilippo - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign "Bacterial Stress Responses and Surface Adhesion in Shear Flow"
Don Fox, Ph.D. - Duke University "Super-sized Cells and Not-so-silent Codons in Organ Development"
Akhenaton-Andrew Dhafir Jones III, Ph.D. - Duke University "Defending the Colony: New Physical and Mathematical Tools for Studying Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms"
Muhammad Abdul Haseeb - Thesis Seminar "Formation of New Cohesive Linkages and Regulation of Cohesion Rejuvenation During Meiotic Prophase in Drosophila Oocytes"
Stacey L. Hanlon - University of Connecticut "B Chromosome Dynamics During Female Meiosis in D. melanogaster"