Microbiology and Immunology Thesis Seminar - K.Morelli
Chilcott Auditorium and Zoom
Kaesi Morelli - Thesis Seminar "Low Oxygen Adaptation and Biofilm Development in the Pathogenic Mold Aspergillus fumigatus"
Kaesi Morelli - Thesis Seminar "Low Oxygen Adaptation and Biofilm Development in the Pathogenic Mold Aspergillus fumigatus"
* Evan Winter - McKenna lab, MSB * Chinaza Nnam - Salas lab, CANB
Genaro Olveda - Thesis Seminar "Microglial Dynamics and Mechanisms Underlying the Phagocytosis of Dying Oligodendrocytes"
Leena Abdullah - Thesis Seminar “Hierarchal single-cell lineage tracing reveals differential fate commitment of CD8 T-cell clones in response to acute infection”
Nikhil S. Joshi, Ph.D. - Yale School of Medicine "Investigating T Cell Immunobiology Using Genetically Engineered Models"
* Tolulope Ojo - Schaller lab, Biology * Cameron Paton - Hoppa lab, Biology
Muhammad Abubakar Khan - Thesis Seminar "Understanding the Non-Canonical Regulation of SREBP in Aspergillus fumigatus"
Bob Schmitz - University of Georgia "Epialleles, Epimutations and an Evolutionary Epigenetic Clock"
Alan D. Grossman, Ph.D. - MIT "Mobile Genetic Elements and Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria: Costs, Benefits, and Regulation"
Swarnali Acharyya, Ph.D. - Columbia University "Studying Metastasis as a Systemic Disease"
* Clare Murray - Curiel lab, MICR/IMM * Carlos Ontiveros - Curiel lab, MICR/IMM
* Sarvesh Surve - O'Toole lab, MICR/IMM * Sarah Vandal - Moseley lab, BCB
David G. Russell, Ph.D. - Cornell University "Macrophage Ontogeny and Tuberculosis Outcome in the Lung" Microbiology and Immunology Munch-Pfefferkorn Prize Lecture
Erika Moen, Ph.D., MS - Biomedical Data Science, Dartmouth "Using Network Analysis to Develop and Apply Novel Measures of the Oncology Workforce"
Rong Li, Ph.D. - National University of Singapore "Mechanics and Stress in Cellular Development and Aging"
* Kai Yuan - Ahmed lab, MSB * Sam Liu - Shoemaker lab, BCB
Ting Wu, Ph.D. - Harvard Medical School "Somatic Homolog Pairing: A 300 Million Year Old Mystery, a 100 Year Old Observation, and Super-resolution"
Carolyn Coyne, Ph.D. - Duke Cancer Institute "Antimicrobial Signaling at the Maternal-Fetal Interface"
Duane Compton - Dean, Geisel School of Medicine "Follow Up to Budget Town Hall Meeting"
Yichen Feng - Thesis Seminar "Near-infrared Paired-agent Imaging for in vivo Quantification of Receptor Occupancy in Tumor"
* Kath Paul - Havrda lab, MSB * Zachary Peters - Skopelja-Gardner lab, MICR/IMM
* Angus Johnaon - Cramer lab, MICR/IMM * Anusha Bhatt - Amodeo lab, Biology
Hieu T. Nguyen - Thesis Seminar "Quantitative Proteomic Strategies to Determine Substrate Specificities of Phosphoprotein Phosphatase"
Wolfgang Peti, Ph.D. - University of Connecticut "Phosphorylation Signaling Enzymes: Activation, Function and Specificity"
Chenhui Deng - Thesis Seminar "Causes and Consequences of Mitotic Chromosome Missegregation in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells"
Martin Pera, PH.D. - Jackson Laboratory "Exploiting Genetic Diversity for Precision Disease Modeling in the Central Nervous System"
Paige Salerno - Thesis Seminar "Host-Microbe Interactions and the Developing Gut Microbiome in Infants with Cystic Fibrosis"
Paul Planet, M.D., Ph.D. - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia "The Early Life of Microbiome: Colonization, Transmission, and Infection"
* Dhvanir Kansara - Ackerman lab, MICR/IMM * Alexandrea Turnquist - Usherwood lab, MICR/IMM
* Beatriz Mercado - Kasper lab, MSB * Hai Nguyen - Schaller lab, Biology