Grad student Scott Alpizar (Hoppa Lab) analyzing data. Photo credit: Robert Gill
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Starting in their third years, students settle in to working in the labs, give their first yearly Research In Progress (RIP) presentation, finish their required electives and continue being a part of the broader community in research and beyond.
This committee will be comprised of a student's thesis advisor (serving as chair) and two additional Dartmouth faculty (at least one must be an MCB faculty member). The first two members of a student's Qualifying Exam Cmte will become the student's Thesis Advisory Committee. Students will be asked to complete the Advisory Committee Agreement prior to their first RIP (in Year Three) and the signed form returned to the MCB Office in a timely manner.
All students, from Year Three on, are required to give a RIP presentation each year.
Those students who are contemplating defending their thesis before the end of the academic year will still be required to present their RIP unless by August 15 they have submitted to the MCB office the name of the outside examiner and the confirmed defense date.
REQUIRED - A meeting of the student's Advisory Committee must be held at least once each year and a signed summary report submitted to the MCB Office prior to June 30. The report is to be signed by all members of the Advisory Committee at the time of the meeting. The report template is available on the MCB website and from the MCB Office. We strongly encourage each student to schedule the committee meeting to follow no more than 30 days following the completed RIP.
Failure to hold the committee meeting and submit report by the June 30 deadline will result in the withholding of the increase granted upon completion of the qualifier by $100/month for each month the report is delinquent. Extensions will be granted only in exceptional cases. If no report is filed by December 1 of the year it is due, the student could be separated from MCB program.
Students who are planning to defend are still required to meet with their Advisory Committee during one-year timeline and submit the signed report by June 30.
When you are ready to begin your thesis preparation based on communication with your thesis advisor and thesis advisory committee, you must notify your department office. They will guide you through the necessary forms and deadlines.
Please review the Guarini Graduate School thesis guidelines.