Wei-Cheng Wu, Guarini


Wei-Chung Wu, a PhD candidate in the computer science program, is the vice-president of the graduate student council (GSC).

What do you consider your hometown? 

Taipei, Taiwan

Where did you earn your undergraduate degree? 

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Tawain.

Why did you choose Dartmouth to pursue your degree?

I actually transferred here with my advisor from Los Angeles, CA. While technically, I didn't choose to be here in the first place, destiny brought me to Dartmouth. I really like it there. It's a small but strong and friendly community. People are really friendly and willing to collaborate and work together.

What is your area of research and what inspired your research? 

I am in the computer science department doing cybersecurity research. I guess being a hacker is probably more or less a common dream for people studying computer science. As nowadays humans basically cannot live without all different digital devices and software around us, it becomes more crucial to understand how these systems work and ensure the security of them.

What are your hobbies or interests outside of your research or scholarship?

I like to play guitar. I am currently also taking jazz lessons in the music department. Besides that, I love tasting whiskey, and have some skills in making cocktails as well.

What inspired you to get involved with the GSC?

I know a few friends working in the GSC. As Dartmouth being a small and friendly community, I feel that there are really a lot of things we can do and make good impacts. This is the main reason why I decided to join the GSC and see how I can help to improve student's lives here. 

What advice would you give to incoming students?

Do take vitamin D in winters. Originally, I thought that the gray cloudy winter wouldn't be a big deal, until I noticed that I was really depressed the whole season when we cannot see the sunlight, especially since I had been living in sunny California for quite a while. 

What is your favorite place or activity that you like best in the Hanover area?

Stargazing on the old golf course is lovely!