Computer Science

Application Requirements

All application materials must be submitted directly through the online application system. We do not accept paper application materials. Official transcripts should not be sent to the Guarini School office during the application process.

Application Fee

  • $100


  • Not accepted.

English Language Proficiency 

  • Language proficiency test scores are required for non-US citizens, with the exception of those who are earning or have earned a degree from institutions in the US or Canada, or whose primary language of instruction at their non-US institution was English.
  • We accept TOEFL, IELTS, and Duolingo 
  • The ETS code for the Guarini School is 3351

Personal Statements

  • 2 required personal statement prompts.

Recommendation Letters

  • 3 required, up to 4 accepted.

Resume/ CV


  • Your most recent unofficial transcripts should be uploaded as part of your application. Official transcripts are not needed during the application process.

Program Supplement 

Indicate your area(s) of interest: 

  • Algorithms
  • Applied Data Science
  • Computational Audition and Music
  • Computational Biology
  • Computational Design and Fabrication
  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Vision and Image Processing
  • Digital Arts
  • HCI and Human-Centered Design
  • Machine Learning
  • Mobile and Wireless
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Robotics
  • Security and Privacy
  • Theory

Upload a 100-line sample of code you have written in any language.  Explain in one paragraph why you chose this code.  

A computer science paper you have written for a conference, a class, or out of personal interest. If the paper is a multi-author paper choose a section that is primarily your own work, and explain your contribution.

  • PhD applicants should include the entire paper.
  • MS CS applicants should include two pages.
  • MS DA applicants may optionally include two pages.

Portfolio- Students applying to the MS in Computer Science with a Concentration in Digital Arts are required to share their portfolio link.