Amanda Socha PhD Biological Sciences, Jaclyn Sullivan PhD Experimental and Molecular Medicine, and Shannon Steinberg, PhD Molecular and Cellular Biology. (Photo by Ruiyun Luo)
It seems no amount of weather apps, radar technology, or hotlines to the weather information service could keep up with the rapidly changing weather on Saturday, June 11 when the Office of Graduate Studies held the second Investiture ceremony.
More than 300 graduating students, plus friends and family, faculty, members of the Dartmouth Board of Trustees, and Provost Dever amply and aptly demonstrated the temerity and robust nature of a Dartmouth graduate as they sat through torrential rain during the ceremony held outdoors in the Bema.
Dean F. Jon Kull led the event and praised the graduating class for their tenaciousness during their various journeys in graduate work. In his address, Dean Kull reflected on graduates’ ability to “ask unique questions about the world we live in, and [having] dedicated the last few years of your life to pursuing answers,” encouraging the graduates to “take many positive memories, and to keep in touch.”
The student speakers were Gifford Wong, Ph.D. Earth Sciences, and Erin A. Brioso, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies. Wong delivered a lighthearted address— urging the graduating class to participate in recognition of feeling three words: “fierce, phenomenal, and family”. He highlighted the uncertain nature of graduate work, the personal experiences gained, and the familial support necessary for graduates to succeed.
Brioso’s speech challenged graduates to focus on the future of intellectualism in America concluding, “it is our charge to challenge the academic status quo in order to build a more holistic and inclusive culture of knowledge—one that recognizes and values the intersectionalities and multiplicities of the modern academic.”
Closing remarks were delivered by Provost Carolyn Dever, who lauded the graduates as having “demonstrated that [they] welcome the challenges of the unknown, and are up to the sometimes daunting, but very rewarding task of remaining open to new ideas and bringing new perspectives to even the oldest assumptions we hold dear.”
Just as the ceremony concluded the rain let up, as if to relent that those gathered had passed the test, and were worthy of the reception held on the lawn in front of Baker library. It was a true celebration of knowledge gained, and the deservedness of the class of 2016 to take it and to build on it.
Check out our Flickr Album for more photos of the event.
Awards presented during the Investiture ceremony were:
The Graduate Studies Teaching Award, given annually to the graduate teaching assistants who best exemplify the qualities of a college educator, was conferred to Anna Prescott, PhD Psychological and Brain Sciences.
The Hannah T. Croasdale Award was received by Vivek V. Venkataraman, PhD Biology, and Carolyn Parkinson, PhD Psychological and Brain Sciences. This award for academic excellence is awarded annually to the graduating Ph.D. recipients who best exemplify the qualities of a scholar.
The John W. Strohbehn Medal for Excellence in Biomedical Research, awarded to the graduating PhD candidate who best exemplifies those qualities of a scientific scholar, was received by David Qiang.
The Byam Shaw-Brownstone MALS Thesis Excellence Awards recognized the following students:
The Byam Shaw-Brownstone MALS Thesis Excellence Award in Globalization Studies: Enoch Mahama Holu and Gregory Michael Noddin Poulin; The Byam Shaw-Brownstone MALS Thesis Excellence Award in Cultural Studies: Oludamilola Osinbajo and Amanda Marie Spoto; The Byam Shaw-Brownstone MALS Thesis Excellence Award in General Liberal Studies: Susan Elizabeth Bibeau and Howard Cleave Carter; The Byam Shaw-Brownstone MALS Thesis Excellence Award in Creative Writing: Amira Hamouda and Robert Alex Kaufman.
Doctoral students were hooded by their advisors and Dean F. Jon Kull; The Dartmouth Institute graduates were hooded by Peter J. Thurber, Instructor at The Dartmouth Institute; Master of Arts in Liberal Studies students were hooded by Donald E. Pease, Chair of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Program; Master of Arts, Master of Engineering Management, and Master of Science graduates were hooded by Dean F. Jon Kull.