Introducing the GRAD Alumni Council Reps

Since its founding over a century ago, the Alumni Council has acted as a clearinghouse for alumni sentiment and ideas, maintained a relationship with the Board of Trustees of the College, and served as the official communications channel between alumni and the administration.  Its members are drawn from affiliated groups, faculty, class and club officers as well as graduate and professional schools, so it is possible to be represented by more than one, depending on which constituencies you belong to.

Juan R. Cubillos-Ruiz, PhD, an Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, is a School of Graduate and Advanced Studies representative on the Dartmouth Alumni Council. Cubillos-Ruiz is a 2010 graduate of the Molecular and Cellular Biology Doctoral Program at Dartmouth College.

As a Dartmouth Alumni Council representative for the School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, Cubillos-Ruiz acts as a point of communication between the Council and the alumni. He communicates the concerns of Dartmouth graduate alumni to the Council while also disseminating information from the Council to the alumni. He seeks to facilitate better and more active interactions between Dartmouth graduate school alumni and the Dartmouth leadership.  

Regarding his time at Dartmouth, Cubillos-Ruiz says that Dartmouth gave him the tools, training, and determination necessary to become a leader in his field of research. Dartmouth helped Cubillos-Ruiz shape his career as an immunologist by leading him to focus his research on the way in which the immune system and cancer interplay. When asked if he had any advice for current graduate students, Cubillos-Ruiz said: take risks, be bold, and enjoy the science that you do.

Bradley DeMay, PhD, is a Vice President at The Beacon Group and is a School of Graduate and Advanced Studies representative on the Dartmouth Alumni Council. DeMay, who is originally from Clayton, New York, became a Dartmouth alumni in 2011 when he finished his PhD in the biological sciences. However, because he was the first student admitted to the PhD/MBA dual-degree program at Dartmouth, he continued his academic tenure at the Tuck School of Business. He graduated from Tuck in 2013.

DeMay is not new to serving in leadership roles at Dartmouth. When he was a graduate student at Dartmouth, DeMay served as a representative on and was eventually elected President of the Graduate Student Council (GSC). He helped implement vital changes to the Council that helped improve the influence of the GSC and the overall Dartmouth experience for the graduate student body beyond DeMay’s tenure at the College. In addition to his role as a representative of the School of Graduate and Advanced Studies on the Dartmouth Alumni Council, DeMay serves on the Academic Affairs Committee. (Portions of this profile were taken from the profile of DeMay when he was graduating. This profile can be found here: