Dr. Paula Sundstrom listens to Laurie Delatour (MD-PhD candidate) present her poster at the CBRaD event in 2016
The third annual Celebration of Biomedical Research at Dartmouth (CBRaD) is being held Thursday, October 26 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm on the second floor of the Life Sciences Center. CBRaD is an event that brings together scientific research from all graduate programs at Dartmouth and creates a unique environment of diversity that aims to support collaborative research efforts.
Hosted by Dartmouth’s Program in Experimental and Molecular Medicine (PEMM), CBraD brings together eight departments, programs, and organizations, in addition to PEMM in support of this event. Additional programs are: the Thayer School of Engineering, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Quantitative Biomedical Sciences, Biochemistry and Cellular Biology, Molecular and Systems Biology, the School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, the Graduate Student Council, and Ecology, Evolution, Ecosystems, and Society.
A highlight of the event is a poster session in which researchers highlight their current work. Posters on biomedical research are welcomed from all graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty. There are ten monitors available for interactive posters for those who need them. Presenters can choose to either have their posters judged or to be entered in a raffle.
Organizers David Mallick and Eileen Martinez encourage everyone to attend, whether to present and/or attend. "Our goal in coordinating this poster session is to highlight research in all the science graduate programs under the School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, and biomedical-related research labs throughout Dartmouth."
During the poster session, judges review the posters that have been submitted for evaluation, and after two elimination rounds, the top three posters are chosen. Confirmed judges for this year’s event are Dr. Matt Havrda, Dr. Arminja Kettenbach, Dr. Emily Weyburn, Dr. Todd Miller, and Dr. Craig Tomlinson. Prizes for the top three posters are an iPad for first place, $100 gift card for Simon Pearce for second place, and a $50 Starbucks gift card for third place. Prizes for raffle winners are $50 gift cards from King Arthur Flour, Skinny Pancake, and Amazon.
In addition to celebrating graduate students’ research, CBRaD also celebrates those mentoring graduate students. A mentoring award is given to the best Principal Investigator (PI) as nominated by the students. To nominate your PI, submit a short cover letter explaining why your PI deserves the award as well as your PI’s curriculum vitae or biosketch to PEMM Program Coordinator Gail Egner.
PEMM representatives David Mallick and Eileen Martinez have worked closely with Gail Egner to fund and organize this event. Mallick and Martinez are hopeful that the third annual CBRaD will provide “students, post-docs, and professors the opportunity to share their hard work with their peers across campus, thus, increasing collaborations and networking within the research community here at Dartmouth.” With more than 20 presenters from twelve departments and programs already registered, CBRaD is sure to do just that.
We hope to see all graduate students, post-docs, laboratory staff, and faculty in attendance, so don’t forget to RSVP. If you are attending the event, but not presenting a poster, RSVP here. If you would like to present a poster, sign up here.