Lorna Young is a postdoc in the Higgs Lab and President of the Dartmouth College Postdoc Association
Dartmouth’s School of Graduate and Advanced Studies (GRAD) was formed in 2016, bringing together graduate students and postdoctoral scholars (postdocs) under one administrative umbrella at Dartmouth. However, with Dartmouth postdocs conducting research in multiple fields—including the sciences, music, and social sciences—postdocs were the rare birds at Dartmouth with few sightings and little connection to the larger graduate community.
While the awareness of the postdoc presence was low in the Dartmouth community overall, the postdoc community itself was centralized in 2008 with the establishment of the Dartmouth College Postdoctoral Association (DCPDA).
To work in conjunction with the DCPDA, the School hired Assistant Dean of Postdoctoral Affairs Victoria Blodgett in July 2017. Blodgett supports postdocs through their academic careers both during their time at Dartmouth and beyond. In conjunction with Blodgett’s vision to strengthen the resources and support available to postdocs, the GRAD school will be publishing a series of profiles featuring postdocs using the Proust questionnaire.
Lorna Young, a postdoc in the Higgs Lab in Biochemistry and Cell Biology, is the newly-elected President of the Dartmouth College Postdoctoral Association, and is our first featured postdoc.
What was your first degree and where did you study?
My first degree was Microbiology and Immunology. I studied this in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
What is your secret vice?
Spending money on clothes (Zara) and running trainers.
What was your favorite childhood toy or activity? Do you still do/play this?
My favorite childhood toy was Thomas The Tank Engine. I collected the range! I do not still play with Thomas and the other trains. My favorite activity was running, and I still run! I have been running since I was 7 years old.
You’re stranded on a desert island. You can choose three books, two music albums, and one movie, what are they?
Books: Mindset – Carol Dweck (great book), Born to Run - Christopher McDougall (great book), and Boys in the Boat (not read, but supposed to be a great book!)
Music – I would make my two favorite Spotify playlists albums. “Best of Bruce”, and “All Times”
Film- Mary Poppins, so I can remember about the spoonful of sugar
What is your signature dish?
A recipe stolen from my Scottish Dad, an authentic Italian Spaghetti Carbonara..
On a sunny afternoon you suddenly find you’ve completed all your work (including laundry, grocery shopping etc.), what do you do?
I’m not sure that would ever happen, BUT, I’d go on a run, meet friends, do some kind of al fresco dining, and drink prosecco until the sun goes down!
What is your greatest fear?
Never being content!!
What’s your hidden superpower?
Persistence, and a bottomless stomach
What did you want to be when you were 18?
I remember being interviewed before leaving for university. I got asked what I wanted to do once I left. Embarrassingly, I said I’d like to be a footballer’s wife (soccer wife). I could not think of anything worse. I hope I was joking.
How did you find your research niche?
Naturally, through interest….
What are you most excited to experience at Dartmouth?
I’ve been here almost 4 years! The amazing 4 seasons, and the BEAUTIFUL outdoors! It’s a unique place.
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