Rebecca Valls led Guarini's doctoral candidates to the Investiture ceremony on the Green.
The Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies is thrilled to introduce this year's Investiture marshals, a trio of outstanding scholars who led their peers in Investiture procession to the Green. This year, the honor of representing the PhD students goes to Rebecca Valls. James Washington Jr. represented the Master of Arts and Master of Liberal Studies students, and Ansh Gupta represented the Master of Science students.
The role of marshal is a significant honor, symbolizing the trust and respect of the entire graduate community. These students have not only excelled academically but also embody the spirit of collaboration and leadership. They carried specially commissioned batons, each engraved with the crest of the Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, as they guided their fellow graduates to the Green.
Marshals symbolize the culmination of years of hard work, intellectual growth, and the pursuit of knowledge.
Congratulations to our 2024 marshals!
Hometown: Ahmedabad, India
Degree: Master of Science in Quantitative Biomedical Sciences
Motivated to revolutionize health care with artificial intelligence and data science, Ansh Gupta joined Dartmouth's master's program in quantitative biomedical sciences. He sees tremendous opportunity in patient diagnosis, pandemic prevention, protein and neuron mapping, and health insurance. Gupta proactively led peers to secure internships, jobs, and research positions by conducting workshops and sharing strategies. He landed internships at Amazon, LinkedIn, and Walmart and now works at Blue Health Intelligence (Blue Cross Blue Shield) as an early/founding member of their Generative AI Team.
Favorite place around campus: One Wheelock in the Collis Center
"My favorite place on campus is One Wheelock. I love the vibe of the place—music and hot chocolate. It's the perfect spot to hang out with people and get some work done on the side."
Hometown: Miami, Fla.
Degree: PhD, Microbiology and Immunology
Rebecca Valls joined the O'Toole Lab to study the gut microbiome's impact on health. Through the PhD Innovation Program, she aimed to bridge the gap between the bench and the clinic. She hopes she has made Dartmouth more welcoming and engaging, and increased Hispanic women's representation in STEM. She and her husband have recently purchased a fixer-upper home with a beautiful backyard that she works on when she's not in the lab, working on her startup, or hiking.
Favorite place around campus: Girl Brook Circuit Trail
"My favorite place on campus is a trail starting by the DOC House and Occom Pond—the Girl Brook Circuit. I've explored these trails many times, alone or with friends and colleagues, to clear my head or discuss science. These trails bring me peace, perspective, and the opportunity to meet a cute doggo or two."
Hometown: Hanover, N.H.
Degree: Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, Creative Writing
Jim Washington is a first-generation college student with a second master of arts degree. A member of Dartmouth's undergraduate admissions office since 2000, he speaks enthusiastically to high school students about the benefits of classroom diversity. MALS has been a great opportunity for him to see first-hand how the concept of diversity goes organic and delivers. While in the Upper Valley, Washington is a familiar face at poetry readings, and recently opted-in for adult swim lessons, embracing the idea that it's never too late.
Favorite place around campus: Sanborn Library
"Sanborn is a place of academe blessed with rounded edges. Its wooden spiral staircases lead to cubicles, workspaces cushioned by old books. The English department hosts poets and writers of distinction there, with options for the audience to sit in various shaped chairs, all a lingering gift of comfort. Sanborn is down home."