Sean Fear is the U.S. Foreign Policy and International Security Fellow at the Dickey Center for International Understanding.
Sean Fear published an article in The Opinion Pages of the New York Times Saturday, March 4 analyzing the ego-driven political climate of Siagon at the peak of the Vietnam war. Two major personalities dominated the increasingly divided Vietnamese political climate in the 1967 presidential elections, rival generals Nguyen Cao Ky and Nguyen Van Thieu.
Fear, who is the U.S. Foreign Policy and International Security Fellow at the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, received his PhD in History from Cornell University in August 2016. His dissertation, "Republican Saigon’s Clash of Constituents: Domestic Politics and Civil Society in US-South Vietnamese Relations, 1967-1971," examines the impact on US-Vietnamese relations of domestic politics in both South Vietnam and the United States. He is working to prepare his dissertation for publication as a book.
In his New York Times piece, Fear has crafted a compelling narrative of the politics of Vietnam at a time when the legitimacy of the South was in jeopardy as the war sprialled on; swirling allegiances driven by the thrusting and parrying of these two personalities are captured in his engrossing opinion piece. You can read it in it's entirety here: dartgo.org/dickeypostdoc