Policy Statement
The regulations regarding behavior which are presented here concern both the College and its relation to the community of which it is a part. Conduct relating specifically to the Academic Honor Principle is discussed in the undergraduate Student Handbook and in the handbooks issued by each of the graduate and professional schools.
Changes in the enumeration or definition of conduct regulations may take place from time to time, and such changes take effect upon appropriate notice to the Dartmouth community by the Dean of the Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies.
1. Alcohol
Violation of the Student Alcohol Policy may subject an individual or recognized organization to the penalties set forth therein and to other disciplinary action.
2. Other Drugs
Violation of the Student Drug Policy may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
3. Climbing on College Buildings and Structures
Climbing on any College building, including the Heating Plant smokestack, is prohibited. Arrangements to climb at predesignated locations must be coordinated through the Dartmouth Mountaineering Club and the Department of Safety and Security. Violation of this rule will result in an automatic fine of $50, and further disciplinary action may be taken against individuals or recognized organizations for violation of this rule.
4. Coercion
Students and recognized organizations are prohibited from engaging in coercion. Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
5. Computer Use
Abusing the fundamental right of users of College computing to privacy and a fair share of computing resources is prohibited. Violation of the Computing Code may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
6. Display of Objects from College Buildings
The display of flags, banners, signs, and other objects from College buildings without prior approval from the Dean of the Guarini School or his/her designee is prohibited. Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
7. Disorderly Conduct
The College requires orderly conduct of all students while in Hanover and its environs. The College further requires orderly conduct of its students at any College-related function or activity, whether in Hanover or elsewhere (including, for example, students on off-campus programs or players and spectators at "away" athletic contests). Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
8. Disruption of the Orderly Processes of the College
Disruption of the orderly processes of the College is prohibited. Actions among those considered to constitute disruption of the orderly processes of the College include, but are not limited to, the following:
- the unauthorized entry into, or occupation of, a private office or work area; or
- the failure to maintain clear passage into, out of, or to any part of a College building or passageway; or
- conduct that interferes with normal activities or movements in a building, including the failure to vacate a building at its normal closing time (the presence of College employees or other authorized individuals in a building after hours does not alter a building's normal closing time); or
- conduct that restricts or prevents College employees from performing their duties; or
- conduct (including by way of example, obstruction, noise, or the display of banners or objects) that prevents or disrupts the effective carrying out of a College function or approved activity, such as classes, lectures, meetings, interviews, ceremonies, research and public events. Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
9. Driver Policy
Violation of the Dartmouth Driver Policy may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action. The full Dartmouth Driver Policy can be found HERE
10. Excessive Noise
Noise which interferes with classes, College offices, and other campus and community activities is prohibited. The first violation of this rule will result in a warning; the second violation will result in an automatic fine. Continued violation of this rule may subject an individual or recognized organization to further disciplinary action. Full policy is HERE
11. False Information and Misrepresentation; Failure to Provide Identification
Students or recognized organizations are prohibited from knowingly providing false information or making misrepresentations to any College officer, College committee, duly recognized College organization, or member of the College community acting on behalf of the College. Students or recognized organizations are also prohibited from knowingly providing false information or in any way misrepresenting to any individual or agency their status at or relationship with the College (e.g., enrolled, graduated, authorized to represent, etc.). Students are obligated to provide College personnel with accurate identification upon request. Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
12. Fire Safety Equipment
Tampering or interference with, as well as destruction or misuse of, fire safety or fire prevention equipment is prohibited. An automatic fine of $100, plus the cost of replacement of equipment, is charged to any student or recognized organization violating this regulation, and further disciplinary action may be taken. All students and recognized organizations should be aware that any person who causes an alarm to be set off for improper purposes is liable for the expenses incurred by fire departments in responding to the alarm. The complete Fire and Safety Policy can be found HERE
13. Weapons, Firearms, Fireworks and Projectiles
All weapons are prohibited on the Dartmouth campus.
Propelling any object in such a way as to endanger health or property is prohibited and will result in an automatic fine of $20 and may subject an individual student or recognized organization to further disciplinary action.
No student or recognized organization may possess or use fireworks on campus.
Full policy is HERE
14. Forgery, Alteration or Unauthorized Possession; Unauthorized Use
The forgery, alteration, or unauthorized possession or use of College documents, records, billing numbers, or instruments of identification is prohibited and may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
15. Dartmouth College Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct
Students and organizations are prohibited from engaging in sexual misconduct of any kind. Sexual misconduct is a form of sex discrimination and/or sexual harassment prohibited by College policy and federal and state law. The wide spectrum of behaviors encompassed by this regulation calls for a variety of sanctions. The most egregious behaviors encompassed by this regulation, and cases of repeated violations, will incur the most serious sanctions the College can impose, up to and including permanent separation from the College.
The full policy can be found HERE
16. Library Use
Infringing upon the right of others to fair and equal access to all College libraries is prohibited. Failure to sign for materials taken from libraries and similar abuse of library privileges may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
17. Locks and Keys
Tampering with locks to College buildings, unauthorized possession or use of College keys, and alteration or duplication of College keys are prohibited. Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
18. Misappropriation or Damage
Misappropriation of or negligent or intentional damage to personal or College property is prohibited and may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
19. Nonregistered Class Attendance
Students or other individuals wishing to attend sessions of classes for which they are not registered must identify themselves to the professor conducting the class before it begins and obtain permission to attend. Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
20. Operating Regulations
The failure to abide by the operating regulations (written or oral) of academic and nonacademic offices, centers, classrooms, laboratories, and departments is prohibited. Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
21. Reckless Conduct
Conduct which places another in reasonable fear for their safety or in danger of bodily harm is prohibited. Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
22. Right to Privacy
No student shall install or use any device for listening to, observing, photographing, recording, amplifying, transmitting, or broadcasting sounds or events occurring in any place where the individual or group involved has a reasonable expectation of being free from unwanted surveillance, eavesdropping, recording, or observation, unless the student has first obtained the consent of all persons involved. A committee or other recognized College organization may authorize the recording or photographing of its proceedings; and performances, classes, lectures, programs, workshops, or other similar events may be recorded or photographed only where the sponsoring organization, faculty member, speaker, or other party in charge of the event specifically authorizes such recording. Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
23. Sporting Events
Unauthorized presence in reserved, restricted, recognized and/or posted areas, or on athletic playing surfaces, tracks, or sidelines, is prohibited. Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
24. Unauthorized Entry
Unauthorized entry into or presence in closed and/or posted College buildings or areas will result in an automatic fine and may subject an individual or recognized organization to further disciplinary action. Access to private rooms or offices is in the control of those who live in them or use them. Unauthorized entry or presence in private rooms or offices may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.
25. Use of the College Green and Campus Grounds
Violation of the College policy on use of the College Green and campus grounds may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action. The full College policy on the use of the College Green and Campus Grounds can be found HERE
26. Violation of Local, State, or Federal Law
Violation of the laws of any jurisdiction, whether local, state, federal, or foreign, may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action. Evidence of a conviction in a court or administrative proceeding shall be conclusive as to a violation of law. Pendency of an appeal of a conviction shall not affect the application of this rule.
27. Violence or Injurious Conduct
Students and recognized organizations are prohibited from engaging in the use or threat of physical violence or injurious conduct (whether directed at another, at oneself, or at an object). Violation of this regulation may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.