Guarini Social Event Registration

Summary of Policy

The Guarini social event guidelines require graduate students and postdocs to pre-register their Dartmouth-sponsored in-person group social events with the Guarini Office. You must receive approval from the Guarini Office for any social events sponsored by Dartmouth College.The Guarini social event guidelines require graduate students and postdocs to pre-register their Dartmouth-sponsored in-person group social events with the Guarini Office. You must receive approval from the Guarini Office for any social events sponsored by Dartmouth College.

Affected Parties

Students Under the Guarini School Programs


Please follow these steps:

1. Pre-register your event with Guarini five (5) business days before the date of the event by filling out this form. All event registrations require a chart string account.

2. To reserve the Guarini Commons/adjacent Lawn in Anonymous Hall, your Guarini approval form will be forwarded to the Guarini Office Manager to make the reservation for you in EMS. You will receive a confirmation notice from EMS once the reservation has been made.

** Graduate students organizing a GSC-sponsored event must receive GSC approval in order to use the GSC chart string. 

1. Fill in the Guarini Form

2. Guarini will forward GSC sponsored events to the GSC president and GSC finance chair.

3. The GSC president or finance chair will provide their approval.

4. The GSC will provide the chart string and make your reservation.

You will receive a confirmation from EMS. Make sure to keep a copy of your confirmation.

Please remember that you MUST adhere to the Dartmouth COVID-19 guidelines for in-person gatherings and events. Not following the policies could result in disciplinary action. In addition, 24 hours after you host the event, a list of attendees/contact info must be sent via this form.

** A string account is a dept/student organization charge account in the following format. The chart string will be charged if there are additional clean-up or damage fees.

Chart String:

It is expected that those who reserve campus space will clean-up after their event. Otherwise, the chart string provided will be charged clean-up fees by the College.

For the Guarini Commons please make sure to do the following:

  • Remove excess trash and recycling (bags can be taken to M105 maintenance room on the first floor in the north entryway vestibule).
  • Sweep/mop floors.
  • Clean any dirty dishes.
  • Wipe down tables and counter tops. 
  • Return furniture to its original configuration. 
  • Remove any decorations and put away any items used during the event.
  • Take a before and after picture of the location

Guarini School Re-imbursement Information

Generally, the Guarini School can reimburse graduate students and postdocs for approved expenses that are for goods such as food or travel (bus tickets, conference registration, taxi fare, etc.). However, Guarini does allow not Dartmouth funds to be used for social events at private homes due to increased liability and will not reimburse for those expenses.

Graduate Students or Postdocs with funding approval from the Guarini School or the GSC should seek administrative support before hiring vendors for services (DJs, Bands, Caterers, etc.) during various events and initiatives. 

Graduate students and Postdocs need to seek administrative support because a contract between the vendor and Dartmouth needs to be put in place prior to services being rendered. 

Graduate students and Postdocs should not be paying out of pocket for services provided to the college.  The policies in place are due to federally mandated tax rules and regulations. Dartmouth must remain in compliance.

Failure to follow Dartmouth's policies will result in payment being denied.

Risk Management/Leadership Training

Please note: Guarini requests all graduate students participating in physical activity events to sign a risk management activity waiver HERE

Ideally, graduate student clubs, should have knowledgeable leaders who have been trained not only in the physical activity but also in emergency management. We encourage all club leaders to participate in leadership training.



Effective Date

September 20, 2021

Last Revised Date

November 21, 2022

Office of Primary Responsibility