Residency and Enrollment Policy

Summary of Policy

Candidates in Guarini School residential graduate programs are expected to complete their studies within established limits, and must maintain a significant physical presence on campus each term they are enrolled.

Policy Statement

Affected Parties

Graduate Students enrolled in Guarini School PhD, MS, MA, MALS, or MFA programs.

Enrollment Policy Statement

It is expected that the requirements for the PhD degree will be completed no later than seven years after initial enrollment.

Graduate programs can impose program-specific enrollment requirements and time limitations, subject to Guarini School approval.

Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the degree program and the Guarini School.

Residency Policy Statement

Students enrolled in Guarini School residential graduate programs must maintain a significant physical presence on campus each term a student is enrolled.

Exceptions to the residency requirement for extended periods of time, defined as being absent from campus cumulatively for four calendar weeks or more during a term, can be granted if there is a documented rationale, e.g. for fieldwork or research that needs to be conducted remotely, and if their graduate program certifies that the student can maintain adequate progress towards degree while enrolled remotely.

Exceptions must be approved in at least 30 days in advance by the student's research advisor (if applicable), graduate program, and the Guarini School, using the Request for Remote Enrollment FORM. Program wide exceptions to this policy can be granted, and need to be approved by the Guarini School (see below for a list of program specific exceptions).

Graduate students can request extensions by submitting a new request at least 30 days prior to the expiration of any previous exception that has been granted.

Graduate students should also refer to the Policy on Limits on Remote Adjustments for In-Person Courses and how it might apply to their particular situation.

Program Specific Exceptions:

Ecology, Evolution, Environment, and Socity (EEES): Summary: Individual EEES students do not need to fill out the Request for Remote Enrollment Form for each campaign of remote field research that is judged by their advisory committee to be essential for their graduate program. Students who wish to be remote for reasons other than conducting research necessary for their graduate program should follow the process above. 


Failure to complete graduate studies in the time period specified, or failure to meet the residency requirement, can result in a notice of failure to maintain adequate progress towards degree.


Effective Date

July 1, 2015

Last Revised Date

December 10, 2024

Office of Primary Responsibility