Finding Funding

The Office of Sponsored Projects and GrantGPS are the main campus offices for proposal support and submission. There are numerous other resources, some of which are listed here.

Finding Funding

External fellowships and funding sources can be found on several external databases. 



Dartmouth College has subscribed to GrantForward Funding Search and Grant Recommendation Service, which is open to all members of our institution. 

  • GrantForward (see quick overview video) covers more than 20,000 sponsors worldwide to provide a comprehensive database of more than 83,000 funding opportunities.

  • GrantForward's powerful search system helps to lessen the hassle of searching for grants with advanced search filters and specialized search features.

  • GrantForward researcher profiles allow researchers to highlight their research achievements and interests to receive personalized grant recommendations that match their research needs.

  • All Dartmouth faculty, staff and students have access to GrantForward.


For log in instructions and more information, see the Sponsored Research website


Current Opportunities

Dartmouth's Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations posts funding opportunities to their website for graduate, pre-doctoral, postdoctoral, and faculty funding.