Investiture 2017 Class Marshal: Farah Salam
Class Marshals for the Graduate Studies 2017 Investiture are selected on the basis of good citizenship, enthusiasm, integrity, and positive impact on others.
[more]Class Marshals for the Graduate Studies 2017 Investiture are selected on the basis of good citizenship, enthusiasm, integrity, and positive impact on others.
[more]Class Marshals for the Graduate Studies 2017 Investiture are selected on the basis of good citizenship, enthusiasm, integrity, and positive impact on others.
[more]This year marks the third Investiture Ceremony, the first to be held indoors after last year’s event in the BEMA was at the mercy of the weather. Torrential rain notwithstanding, the Dartmouth spirit was undaunted.
[more]Arsenic is a metalloid, with both metal and non-metal properties, and notorious as the almost perfect murder weapon featured in works of fiction including Agatha Christie’s Murder is Easy, and Flaubert’s Madame Bovary. It’s a natural component of bedrock, but certain pesticides used in the past have added arsenic to some areas.
[more]While taking questions from the intimate gathering of graduate students, Aciman spoke of “cheating” as a writer by using empty bits of time. “When do I write? All the time. In between tasks I need to do, or when I’m travelling. Whenever I get the time, really. In other words, I cheat,” Aciman said with a laugh. During an earlier public reading in the Wren Room at the Dartmouth Baker Library, the writer has also light-heartedly joked that he essentially stole from people. “As a writer you cull from everywhere and everyone.