Orientation 2017 Round-up
The School of Graduate and Advanced Studies (GRAD) hosts Orientation Week for first year graduate students before the beginning of the fall term every year.
[more]The School of Graduate and Advanced Studies (GRAD) hosts Orientation Week for first year graduate students before the beginning of the fall term every year.
[more]Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars will finally be able to gather in a social space they can call their own
[more]The School of Graduate and Advanced Studies has hired Victoria Blodgett as the new Assistant Dean for Postdoctoral Affairs, reaffirming the commitment of President Phil Hanlon to bridge the gap between faculty and young scholars at Dartmouth.
[more]Sean Fear published an article in The Opinion Pages of the New York Times Saturday, March 4 analyzing the ego-driven political climate of Siagon at the peak of the Vietnam war. Two major personalities dominated the increasingly divided Vietnamese political climate in the 1967 presidential elections, rival generals Nguyen Cao Ky and Nguyen Van Thieu.
[more]Arctic postdoctoral fellow Lauren Culler recently returned to Hanover from doing fieldwork in Greenland, where Dartmouth had just taken the helm of the U.S. contribution to the Joint Science Education Program (JSEP), a program jointly led and funded with the government of Greenland.