
Dartmouth Dining Services operates a number of dining facilities on the campus. 

Dining with the Dartmouth Card

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows have a unique dining plan available and may buy blocks of 10 meals for redemption at the Class of 1953 Commons by visiting the Dartmouth Card Office. These meals can only be loaded onto a valid Dartmouth ID card. Meals can be used by a guest to gain entry to '53 Commons, but the card holder must be present for the transaction. Multiple blocks can be purchased (e.g. 30 lunches, 10 breakfasts), and can be used anytime '53 Commons is open for general undergraduate service. 

Food can be purchased with cash, debit, credit or charged to a Da$h account with your Dartmouth ID, postdoctoral fellows may use a Prepaid Discretionary Account. These discretionary spending accounts may be set up at the Dartmouth Card Office.

DASH and the Discretionary Account can be used to pay for a diverse range of services across campus, such as laundry, printing, vending machines, tickets and computer supplies. While this account is not part of the dining plans, it can be used at any DDS dining facility, at King Arthur Flour, and at Collis Market. Dining locations use meal plans by default, so if you would like to use DASH, please tell the cashier before the purchase. Dining locations use meal plans by default, so if you would like to use DASH, please tell the cashier before the purchase.