GRAD Alumni Research Award 2017 Recipient: Dominic Coles, Digital Musics
Leave the Needle on the Jammed Record
[more]Leave the Needle on the Jammed Record
[more]Mascoma LLC is a biotech company located in the Upper Valley that focuses on biofuels and cellulosic ethanol production. The company was founded in 2005 by Robert Johnsen and Dartmouth professors Lee Lynd and Charles Wyman. The company was acquired by the Montreal-based company Lallemand in 2014. Mascoma is a corporate research and development site for Lallemand and there are currently about 60 employees at the Lebanon, NH site.
[more]Earlier this year, the Graduate Student Council (GSC) launched the GSC Blog to encourage more graduate students to express their views. While the Guarini School encourages and supports students who are looking to develop science communication skills by publishing students’ writing, the GSC Blog offers a more casual platform for students’ work.
[more]The rugged, glaciated, coast of Svalbard, Arctic Norway, contains a record of extreme climate changes, the formation and demise of a supercontinent, and the keys to understanding the plate tectonic evolution of the Arctic (Hoffman et al., 2012; Gasser & Andresen, 2013). In 2016 and 2017, I travelled to southwestern Svalbard to sample, map, and document the rock record and uncover the geological history of this small island archipelago. Support from the Alumni Grant Award allowed me to date previously undated rock strata of southwestern Svalbard.
[more]Assistant Dean Kerry Landers' research into the experiences of first generation students in the ivy league has been documented in her recent publication, Postsecondary Education for First-Generation and Low-Income Students in the Ivy League, and was the subject of an article published in the Valley News this week.