Graduate Student Poster Session Guidelines

Graduate Student Poster Session

The Guarini School's Graduate Student Poster Session will be held on Wednesday, April 9, from 5-7:30 pm in the Ballroom at the Hanover Inn.

Join us for a reception highlighting graduate student research in the form of a poster session. This is our premier forum for the Guarini community to get together. At the conclusion of the event, we will present awards and prizes for the best posters.

Prizes of $200 will be awarded for the top three posters.

Sign up for the Poster Session

Guarini graduate students (PHD, Ms, MALS, and MFA) can sign up to present a poster at the Graduate Student Poster Session starting on Monday, March 17 at 9:00 am. 

Tip: Since there are limited spaces, please check with your advisors as soon as possible about their wishes for you to present. In the past, advisors have asked why their graduate students are not presenting.

Fine print


Only one presenter per poster, and presenters must be able to attend the full session.


Posters will be judged on clarity of visual presentation, as well as on how well the poster presenters can talk (briefly, 3 minutes!) about their work in terms understandable by a non-specialist. (The poster itself may be highly technical)In addition, only one presenter per poster.


We encourage you to use the Guarini School logo on your posters.


Your poster should be no larger than 3 feet wide by 4 feet long. If for some reason your poster is larger, then you will be responsible for making sure it hangs on the allotted space.


Only posters will be allowed for the presentation of your work i.e. that means no use of computers or other technical equipment.