Dartmouth Leaders in Biomedical Research (DLBR)

Program Overview

The Dartmouth Leaders in Biomedical Research (DLBR) program is an NIH-funded supplemental scientific and professional development program intended to support PhD students through their graduate training. 

DLBR accepts 4 trainees from the incoming classes of three graduate programs: Integrative Neuroscience at Dartmouth (IND), Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB), Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (QBS)Individuals must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents to be eligible for DLBR. All eligible individuals are evaluated for participation in DLBR by a committee using graduate school application materials and formal invitations are issued within one month of graduate school acceptance.

The program starts August 1 with pre-matriculation programming. During this time, students will take mini courses and have the opportunity to do a mini-research rotation in addition to weekly social events/trips with DLBR trainees in their second and third years in the program. Once graduate school starts, trainees enter their graduate programs, but continue to meet throughout the academic year with the DLBR trainees in workshops and seminars focusing on scientific communication and wellness as well as professional development and facilitated networking opportunities. Research dinners will be held at least twice a year for trainees to engage in scientific communication with their peers and mentors in a low stress environment. Throughout DLBR trainees will have access to mentors through the program as well as neer-peer mentors. DLBR trainees will be partially funded by the training grant in years 2-3.



table outlining the program timeline.